Her first sale!

Joanna is super excited to be a Daisy!

After her first Girl Scout meeting yesterday we stopped by CFA and saw a friend who used to work there. Our friend patiently listened to her talk about scouts and said she was interested in buying chocolates with carmel. So we made plans to stop by her work today with the order form (that gave our friend time to be prepared with cash).

It was great watching the 2 of them navigate the form and consider the options. There are lots of yummy-looking things in the $6 and $8 range!

So, she has her first order, and is ready to meet up with more friends who want chocolates or nuts. Just let me know and we’ll swing by with the form.

Orders can be done online, which is great for magazines, but not so great for the candy due to the shipping charges. If you’re local, we’ll definitely meet you so you can order in person and pay with cash or check and skip the extra shipping free 🙂

Still loving CFA!

I know, I’ve shared a lot in the past about reasons we love Chick-fil-A at 33rd & Broadway in Edmond. We have another one to add to the list -they have contributed towards our fundraising for our LST project to Natal Brazil.

Last week they hosted a fundraising spirit night for us. We had a great time inviting friends and were really looking forward to a fun, packed night at the restaurant. And then Oklahoma Spring weather hit. Lots of rain and storms all around meant it was quiet in there…quieter than I’ve ever seen in an evening.

We considered trying to reschedule, but we didn’t really have a way to tell everyone that we’d invited about a new plan. We’d handed out flyers to Joanna’s classmates, 3 adult classes, and everywhere else we could think of. So we went ahead with the original plan in spite of the forecast and dark skies.

As luck would have it there were some bags of cookies available. Since it was Treat Thursday, people who ordered for curbside delivery received a free 6 count cookie as a treat. Due to the weather there were way less curbside delivery orders than usual so there were extra cookies. The marketing manager offered them to us at a discount to sell. We figured it was worth a try, after all they are pretty good cookies. And, it worked, a Facebook post and blog post resulted in people claiming all the bags. When they delivered them to me so we could deliver them I found out that we could keep everything we collected for them, they gave them as a donation!! Joanna and I had a great time Friday delivering them to lots of friends all around Edmond.

And, then last night we were given 10 more bags to use for fundraising.

These 3 events together resulted in $273.21! What a great blessing to us!!

In case you’re still reading and wondering, we’re scheduled to fly to Natal one month from today and we need $2,212.83 to finish up our fundraising. If you’re able to help with that, you can give online.

Rainbow dog

At Joanna’s request we came to Chick-fil-A for breakfast today. She loves it here because the staff is so friendly and “they make the bestest burritos!!!”

It’s nice to get a break from cooking and cleaning, and to eat something different than we make at home.

And, after we finish our food we can enjoy some drink refills, coloring and phone time 🙂

Today she colored a rainbow dog and snowflakes complete with a drawing of her walking the dog. 

More memories at Chick-fil-A!

Tonight was the “Back to School Bash” at our Chick-fil-A. That meant a bounce castle, face painter, and 2 cows were there!

Mona Lisa’s Face Painting did a great job, as usual. We’ve seen her before at CFA events and possibly other places and had good experiences with her. She didn’t hesitate when J stepped up and said “I’d like a sparkly unicorn please.” As you can see by the photo, she nailed it.

Yummy gluten-free dinner, fun activities, card for a free sandwich later, and free Wi-Fi for Pokemon hunting. It was a hit all around. Yay for Family Fun Night this week!

Chick-fil-A is our favorite!

After 2 weeks out of town we knew we’d be visiting our favorite CFA sometime last week. Originally we planned to go on Thursday when they were hosting a fundraising night for Lilyfield -we’d be helping give a little cash to a good organization and getting some yummy food.

But, Tuesday we saw a Facebook post about it being Family Fun Night and getting to plant a flower. That was one of our favorite visits last year, we enjoyed the flower all summer. So, we switched up our plans and went Tuesday. It was great!

J had a wonderful time with the activity. She was able to decorate the pot, choose a flower, plant it and visit with her friends (the CFA employees while doing it).


It’s hard to describe how good it felt to walk in and have several employees smile at us, greet us by name, and ask about our trip. It really makes Edmond feel like home to have these relationships. One friend (employee) even took time to listen to our recent gluten situation and share a bit about her own experience and gave us some tips about what to order at CFA -so cool!

As it ended up I was there Thursday as well, volunteering with Lilyfield. It was fun – I was able to greet people, refill drinks, and I even got a tour of the kitchen. We knew J would be jealous, so we just told her I was volunteering with Lilyfield, but never filled her in on what exactly that meant. Someday she’ll be big enough to do all that too 🙂

We love Chick-fil-A, and this store in particular has been quite a blessing to us. When we visit we get fresh food, healthy choices, and fun conversation. It is like feeding our spirits as well as our bodies each time we go.

Getting Ready for the 1st Contributor Weekend

This coming weekend is the first WordPress global contributor drive and I’m looking forward to trying something new. So far my experience with contributing to WordPress has been through creating subtitles on videos and attending WordCamps. So it’s kind of exciting to be venturing into a new realm.

It’s an online thing that lasts all weekend long, but here in Oklahoma City a few of us in our meetup group decided to get together at Chick-fil-A and work together. For me that means breakfast, a place for our girl to play, free WiFi, and seeing some familiar faces (we go there so much the staff greets us by name when we arrive).

So, between now and Saturday morning I’ll be reading all the info again to make sure I’m all set and ready to go when we get together. I haven’t looked at the support forums before so I have no idea if I’ll be able to answer any questions, but I’m looking forward to checking it out.

If you’re here in Edmond please join us if you can, and if not, you can join in online 🙂

More Chick-fil-A fun!








The princess breakfast is just another reason we love our Chick-fil-A. 

What a fun morning! Recognizing the staff and being called by name makes it even better.

J saw princess Elsa and could tell it was her friend Rebecca who did story time in the spring. She had a great time talking to her again.

Still loving Chick-fil-A

Our Chick-fil-A has a new story time on Monday mornings. It’s great!

We buy a yummy breakfast and then I get a break while J enjoys a story and craft.

It’s almost like free babysitting.

Today they read 2 stories and then got to paint. Dedra their employee does a great job interacting with the little ones.

We are enjoying getting to know the staff here and participate in the activities they provide.

We love Chick-fil-A!


Chick-fil-A is great!

Yummy food, free WiFi, friendly and helpful staff, good lemonade, grilled nuggets, fresh fruit, free Cheerios for the kiddos, stick-on placemats, coloring pages, board books of PBS shows for the “under 3” toy, and a fun playground.

We came for a snack and J is having a great time coloring a picture for Daddy while I get to hang out and enjoy free refills of Dr. Pepper.

As she finished coloring and was ready to head to the playground we saw some friends, so she got to play with some other little ones and their mom and I got to visit.

We always have a good experience here.

Oh yeah, it also has the best chocolate chip cookies I’ve found at a fast food place.